Hampir aku lupa nak post something for today.
Still frustrated with the game last night. Got lots of comment and people view my blog just to look at the 'special entry about the lost'.
Nevermind that, tomorrow start working. Gonna hear lots of amateur commentator about the game last night. Better prepare my ears and think what I want to comment too. hehehe.
Still in holiday mode. Can I just ditch work tomorrow? hehehe... what's gonna happen if i really do that?
Gosh! I have lot of things to do, but feel veryyyyyyyyy lazy now.
Can Kelantan government tambah another cuti tak? cuti for mourning kekalahan bola semalam. hehehe. Really lazy... tolong lah....
rasa nak g hospital and ask for MC boleh?
sebab penyakit 'M'* dah kritikal ni. Perlukan rehat atau rawatan or operation ni.
hehehe tak pe, kelantan boleh cuba lagi nanti.. :)
ye..ye...next year try lagi. mesti daudsu stress...kesian dia...
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